Blog Archive

The Most Important Career Advice

Two weeks ago, a medical student contacted me to seek some career advice. I was prepared to offer my usual reassurance and support, but the advice he was seeking was different. He asked, “Should I take a year off to pursue an internship with a public relations firm?”...

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Public Speaking Tips for Medical Students

You look down at your notes, organized perfectly from the Subjective information down to the Plan, and feel your palms sweating. Your heart starts to race, your breathing becomes heavier and more laborious. You feel the collective gaze of the clinical staff –...

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The Power of Networking in Medical School

In my experience, Networking has been neither familiar nor comfortable to most medical students. In my second year I attended a lunch lecture on Leadership, and when the topic of networking arose a first year asked, “isn’t networking kind of like using people?” That...

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The 10-Year Commute

Most of us “commute” through life. We need a different mentality. True excellence is developed over time with small, intentional, positive choices. In the beginning the effects are not very noticeable, but over time, the effect ‘compounds’ and you will find yourself transformed.

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Finding Your Tribe

Let me pose a question to you. Think back to college.What was some of the aspects of college which were to most meaningful?

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168 Hours

In one week, there are 168 hours. For about 40 hours, give or take, you have the ability to make the week meaningful. Don’t let those hours be overtaken by inertia.

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