How to Write a Personal Statement – A Primer


It’s likely that you haven’t written something like this since applying to medical school. Should you just recycle your old essay from your med school application about why you wanted to become a doctor? How much of it do you write about yourself? How much focus do you put on the specialty and the program? How long should it be? The personal statement can be a tricky thing to write… You have to be focused and use each word intentionally. You have to say something about yourself that is authentic and memorable. You also have to demonstrate that you understand the specialty you are about to enter and the program that you are applying to. Make sure your personal statement is as perfect, polished, and authentically you as possible!

This tool is useful for: MS4s who are preparing their residency applications.

This tool takes about 10 minutes to read and can prompt you to think about the elements you need to write a compelling personal statement.